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National Human Development Report -
 Slovak Republic 2001-2002
(in .pdf format)



1. Health – A Pressing Priority

2. The State of Human Development

2.1 Political Context of Human Development

2.1.1 Democratization and It’s Attitude-related Dimension
2.1.2 What is the Real Impact of People’s Attitudes upon Politics?
2.1.3 From Broad Left-Right Coalition Towards a Coalition of Parties with Similar Politics
2.1.4 Outcome of the 2002 Parliamentary Elections and Their Consequences
2.1.5 Government, Parliament, and Relationship between Coalition and Opposition
2.1.6 The Risk of Great Expectations
2.1.7 Slovakia and the EU
2.1.8 Political Context of Health Care

2.2 Economic Development and the Labor Market

2.2.1 Performance of the Economy
2.2.2 Price Development
2.2.3 Foreign Trade and Currency
2.2.4 Public Finances
2.2.5 Labor Market and Social Situation

2.3 Education

2.3.1 Health-Related Activities within the Education Sector

2.4 Evaluation of the Reform Atmosphere

2.4.1 Measures in the Field of Economic and Political Development
2.4.2 Measures in Social Policy
2.4.3 Measures in the Education Sector
2.4.4 Measures in the Health Care Sector

2.5 Human Development and Health

2.5.1 Basic Human Development Indicators
2.5.2 Health and Human Development

3. Public Health

3.1 The State of Health

3.1.1 Demographic Preconditions
3.1.2 Life Expectancy of the Slovak Population
3.1.3 Analysis of Mortality Structure
3.1.4 Morbidity of the Population

3.2 Determinants of Health

3.2.1 Demographic Structure of the Population
3.2.2 Lifestyles and Nutrition
3.2.3 Education
3.2.4 Employment
3.2.5 Environment
3.2.6 Housing
3.2.7 Democratic Stability and Health
3.2.8 Health Care Services

3.3 Health Care

3.3.1 Patient’s Rights
3.3.2 Key Problems of the Slovak Health Care and Analysis of Their Causes
3.3.3 Consequences of Not-solving Problems in Health Care

4. A Health Vision for Slovakia

4.1 Conclusions

4.2 A Vision of Health

4.2.1 Non-health Care Measures
4.2.2 Health Care Reform


Statistical Annex

Human Development Indicators
Evaluation of Economic and Social Measures

International HDI Comparison

International GDI Comparison



The following authors contributed to the preparation of the report with background studies

Emília Beblavá, Transparency International Slovakia
Alexandra Bražinová, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
Emil Ginter, Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine
Gabriel Guliš, University of Trnava
Mikuláš Huba, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Society for Sustainable Living
Juraj Nemec, Matej Bel University
Peter Pažitný, M.E.S.A. 10
Eugen Plačintár, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Vladislav Rosa, State School Inspection
Darina Sedláková, World Health Organization – Regional Office for Europe
Martin Sirák, Center for Economic Development
Soňa Szomolányi, Comenius University in Bratislava
Luboš Vagač, Center for Economic Development
Dušan Zachar, Institute for Economic and Social Reforms
Rudolf Zajac, Tatra-Alpine
Daniela Zemanovičová, Transparency International Slovakia

(Authors worked in the aforementioned institutions during the preparation of their contributions in 2001-2002.)



Comments and suggestions from the following external experts were significantly helpful

Peter Goliáš, INEKO
Andrey Ivanov, UNDP
Anton Marcinčin, World Bank
Martin Rusnák, International Neurotrauma Research Organization

The preparation of this study would not have been possible without the help and support of the following individuals and institutions

UNDP RBEC staff, particularly Andrey Ivanov and Rastislav Vrbenský; Institute for Economic and Social Reforms; Friedrich Ebert Foundation; Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic; Kristína Mesková; Lucia Vagačová; Milan Velecký; and other persons and organizations which directly or indirectly assisted in the preparation of the publication.

The coordinator expresses special acknowledgements to Juliette Hage and Shiva Kumar from UNDP.

English language editor

Patrick Murphy






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